Happy Hour offers you financially responsible deals as they become available.
This app puts you in control of the offer you accept while we work to present you meaningful discounts aiding toward your financial well-being.
The offers presented are only available for a limited time so follow these simple steps to start benefiting from your Happy Hour offers today:
1. Download the Happy Hour app.
2. Sign up with your preferred email address and a secure password you will remember.
3. Press the Subscribe cog up the top right’
4. Subscribe to the partners that are providing offers today (this will require the partner’s unique id).
5. If there are no offers immediately available, hold tight, the app will tell you when they land!
Remember, this app differs to other deal apps in the way that we strive to offer you deals to help save money on essential items, rather than encourage you to spend more on things you don’t need just because they are cheap
Wishing you well on your journey to financial well-being.